While at General Assembly, we developed a script for scraping Reddit’s API and predicting if a given post was popular or not. The tool uses Beautiful soup and a few machine learning algorithms were compared for best performance. Extra Trees was found to perform the best on this dataset.
In this project, we will practice two major skills. Collecting data via an API request and then building a binary predictor.
As we discussed in week 2, and earlier today, there are two components to starting a data science problem: the problem statement, and acquiring the data.
For this article, your problem statement will be: What characteristics of a post on Reddit contribute most to the overall interaction (as measured by number of comments)?
Your method for acquiring the data will be scraping the ‘hot’ threads as listed on the Reddit homepage. You’ll acquire AT LEAST FOUR pieces of information about each thread:
- The title of the thread
- The subreddit that the thread corresponds to
- The length of time it has been up on Reddit
- The number of comments on the thread
Once you’ve got the data, you will build a classification model that, using Natural Language Processing and any other relevant features, predicts whether or not a given Reddit post will have above or below the median number of comments.
- If creating a logistic regression, GridSearch Ridge and Lasso for this model and report the best hyperparameter values.
- Scrape the actual text of the threads using Selenium (you’ll learn about this in Webscraping II).
- Write the actual article that you’re pitching and turn it into a blog post that you host on your personal website.
Scraping Thread Info from Reddit.com¶
Set up a request (using requests) to the URL below.¶
NOTE: Reddit will throw a 429 error when using the following code:
res = requests.get(URL)
This is because Reddit has throttled python’s default user agent. You’ll need to set a custom User-agent
to get your request to work.
res = requests.get(URL, headers={'User-agent': 'YOUR NAME Bot 0.1'})
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import time
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import model_selection
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn import model_selection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Use res.json()
to convert the response into a dictionary format and set this to a variable.¶
data = res.json()
URL = "http://www.reddit.com/hot.json"
num_pages = 120
reddit_posts = []
after = None
#cycle through 25 post groups and append to a list
for _ in range(num_pages):
req_url = URL + "?after=" + after if after else URL
res = requests.get(req_url, headers={"User-agent": "Sted Bot 0.1"})
data = res.json()["data"]
children = data["children"]
after = data["after"]
for j in range(len(children)):
post = children[j]["data"]
print("cycles: ", _)
cycles: 0 cycles: 1 cycles: 2 cycles: 3 cycles: 4 cycles: 5 cycles: 6 cycles: 7 cycles: 8 cycles: 9 cycles: 10 cycles: 11 cycles: 12 cycles: 13 cycles: 14 cycles: 15 cycles: 16 cycles: 17 cycles: 18 cycles: 19 cycles: 20 cycles: 21 cycles: 22 cycles: 23 cycles: 24 cycles: 25 cycles: 26 cycles: 27 cycles: 28 cycles: 29 cycles: 30 cycles: 31 cycles: 32 cycles: 33 cycles: 34 cycles: 35 cycles: 36 cycles: 37 cycles: 38 cycles: 39 cycles: 40 cycles: 41 cycles: 42 cycles: 43 cycles: 44 cycles: 45 cycles: 46 cycles: 47 cycles: 48 cycles: 49 cycles: 50 cycles: 51 cycles: 52 cycles: 53 cycles: 54 cycles: 55 cycles: 56 cycles: 57 cycles: 58 cycles: 59 cycles: 60 cycles: 61 cycles: 62 cycles: 63 cycles: 64 cycles: 65 cycles: 66 cycles: 67 cycles: 68 cycles: 69 cycles: 70 cycles: 71 cycles: 72 cycles: 73 cycles: 74 cycles: 75 cycles: 76 cycles: 77 cycles: 78 cycles: 79 cycles: 80 cycles: 81 cycles: 82 cycles: 83 cycles: 84 cycles: 85 cycles: 86 cycles: 87 cycles: 88 cycles: 89 cycles: 90 cycles: 91 cycles: 92 cycles: 93 cycles: 94 cycles: 95 cycles: 96 cycles: 97 cycles: 98 cycles: 99 cycles: 100 cycles: 101 cycles: 102 cycles: 103 cycles: 104 cycles: 105 cycles: 106 cycles: 107 cycles: 108 cycles: 109 cycles: 110 cycles: 111 cycles: 112 cycles: 113 cycles: 114 cycles: 115 cycles: 116 cycles: 117 cycles: 118 cycles: 119
Need to create a function that reads in csv files from folder and concatenates
# Initialize main df
df = pd.DataFrame()
#Add each cycle of scraping to dataframe
for i in reddit_posts:
df = df.append(pd.DataFrame([i]), ignore_index=True)
df.shape ## checking work
(3000, 97)
##generate length of time
df['now'] = time.time()
df['since_posted'] = df['now'] - df['created_utc']
df.columns ## Checking work
Index(['approved_at_utc', 'approved_by', 'archived', 'author', 'author_cakeday', 'author_flair_background_color', 'author_flair_css_class', 'author_flair_richtext', 'author_flair_template_id', 'author_flair_text', 'author_flair_text_color', 'author_flair_type', 'author_fullname', 'banned_at_utc', 'banned_by', 'can_gild', 'can_mod_post', 'category', 'clicked', 'content_categories', 'contest_mode', 'created', 'created_utc', 'crosspost_parent', 'crosspost_parent_list', 'distinguished', 'domain', 'downs', 'edited', 'gilded', 'hidden', 'hide_score', 'id', 'is_crosspostable', 'is_meta', 'is_original_content', 'is_reddit_media_domain', 'is_self', 'is_video', 'likes', 'link_flair_background_color', 'link_flair_css_class', 'link_flair_richtext', 'link_flair_template_id', 'link_flair_text', 'link_flair_text_color', 'link_flair_type', 'locked', 'media', 'media_embed', 'media_metadata', 'media_only', 'mod_note', 'mod_reason_by', 'mod_reason_title', 'mod_reports', 'name', 'no_follow', 'num_comments', 'num_crossposts', 'num_reports', 'over_18', 'parent_whitelist_status', 'permalink', 'pinned', 'post_hint', 'preview', 'pwls', 'quarantine', 'removal_reason', 'report_reasons', 'saved', 'score', 'secure_media', 'secure_media_embed', 'selftext', 'selftext_html', 'send_replies', 'spoiler', 'stickied', 'subreddit', 'subreddit_id', 'subreddit_name_prefixed', 'subreddit_subscribers', 'subreddit_type', 'suggested_sort', 'thumbnail', 'thumbnail_height', 'thumbnail_width', 'title', 'ups', 'url', 'user_reports', 'view_count', 'visited', 'whitelist_status', 'wls', 'now', 'since_posted'], dtype='object')
Getting more results¶
By default, Reddit will give you the top 25 posts:
If you want more, you’ll need to do two things:
- Get the name of the last post:
- Use that name to hit the following url:
- Create a loop to repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have a sufficient number of posts.
NOTE: Reddit will limit the number of requests per second you’re allowed to make. When you create your loop, be sure to add the following after each iteration.
time.sleep(3) # sleeps 3 seconds before continuing
This will throttle your loop and keep you within Reddit’s guidelines. You’ll need to import the time
library for this to work!
Save your results as a CSV¶
You may do this regularly while scraping data as well, so that if your scraper stops of your computer crashes, you don’t lose all your data.
# Export to csv
# setup time stamp
current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
date = ( str(current_time.year)+'_'+
filename = 'reddit_hot_posts_' + date + '.csv'
# append results to csv
df.to_csv(filename, mode='a')
print('Results added to CSV!')
Results added to CSV!
Predicting comments using Random Forests + Another Classifier¶
Load in the the data of scraped results¶
df = pd.read_csv("reddit_hot_posts_2018_6_1_12_48.csv")
We want to predict a binary variable – whether the number of comments was low or high. Compute the median number of comments and create a new binary variable that is true when the number of comments is high (above the median)¶
We could also perform Linear Regression (or any regression) to predict the number of comments here. Instead, we are going to convert this into a binary classification problem, by predicting two classes, HIGH vs LOW number of comments.
While performing regression may be better, performing classification may help remove some of the noise of the extremely popular threads. We don’t have to choose the median
as the splitting point – we could also split on the 75th percentile or any other reasonable breaking point.
In fact, the ideal scenario may be to predict many levels of comment numbers.
df['since_posted_days'] = df.since_posted/60/60/24
df['since_posted_hours'] = df.since_posted/60/60
(3000, 101)
median = np.median(df.num_comments)
df['is_outlier'] = df['num_comments'] - median
## create 1 or 0 classification for median
def function(x):
if x > 0:
return 1
return 0
df['is_outlier_bin'] = list(map(function, df['is_outlier']))
# develop a selection of features for modelling
features = [
post_df = df[features]
# Create dummies based on some key features
dummies_subreddit = pd.get_dummies(df['subreddit'], prefix = 'subreddit')
dummies_posthint = pd.get_dummies(df['post_hint'], prefix = 'post_hint')
(3000, 5)
## Build dateframe to be modelled against
X_columns_concat = [
X = pd.concat(X_columns_concat, axis = 1)
#X = pd.concat(['post_df', 'X'], axis = 1)
X.shape # Checking work
(3000, 962)
X.columns # Checking work
Index(['gilded', 'since_posted_days', 'num_crossposts', 'ups', 'since_posted_hours', 'subreddit_2healthbars', 'subreddit_2mad4madlads', 'subreddit_2meirl42meirl4meirl', 'subreddit_2meirl4meirl', 'subreddit_3Dprinting', ... 'subreddit_yesyesyesyesno', 'subreddit_youdontsurf', 'subreddit_youseeingthisshit', 'subreddit_youtubehaiku', 'subreddit_zelda', 'post_hint_hosted:video', 'post_hint_image', 'post_hint_link', 'post_hint_rich:video', 'post_hint_self'], dtype='object', length=962)
X.to_csv('X_df.csv', mode='a') ## in case this is needed later, without re running scraping
#### Marks beginning of modelling section
# Develop training and test sets
y = df["is_outlier_bin"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 5)
tree.fit(X_train, y_train)
tree.score(X_test, y_test)
log = LogisticRegression()
log.fit(X_train, y_train)
log.score(X_test, y_test)
num_trees = 30
model = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=num_trees)
results = model_selection.cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=4)
Create a Random Forest model to predict High/Low number of comments using Sklearn. Start by ONLY using the subreddit as a feature.¶
rf = RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap = True) ## N_features auto takes square root
rf.fit(X_train, y_train)
rf.score(X_test, y_test)
et = ExtraTreesClassifier(bootstrap = True)
et.fit(X_train, y_train)
et.score(X_test, y_test)
(<3000x13834 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>' with 2191249 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>, array([ 0, 1573, 2880, 4101, 5502, 6753, 8212, 9735, 11066, 12421, 13834]))
importances = et.feature_importances_
std = np.std([et.feature_importances_ for tree in et.estimators_],
indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]
# Print the feature ranking
print("Feature ranking:")
for f in range(X.shape[1]):
print("%d. feature %d (%f)" % (f + 1, indices[f], importances[indices[f]]))
# Plot the feature importances of the forest
plt.title("Feature importances")
plt.bar(range(X.shape[1]), importances[indices],
color="r", yerr=std[indices], align="center")
plt.xticks(range(X.shape[1]), indices)
plt.xlim([-1, X.shape[1]])
Feature ranking: 1. feature 3 (0.149126) 2. feature 2 (0.063573) 3. feature 1 (0.062107) 4. feature 4 (0.055070) 5. feature 958 (0.047433) 6. feature 959 (0.009943) 7. feature 960 (0.007407) 8. feature 957 (0.007117) 9. feature 653 (0.006312) 10. feature 272 (0.005940) 11. feature 426 (0.005667) 12. feature 266 (0.005414) 13. feature 181 (0.004970) 14. feature 929 (0.004654) 15. feature 0 (0.004610) 16. feature 340 (0.004491) 17. feature 492 (0.004473) 18. feature 109 (0.004381) 19. feature 569 (0.004351) 20. feature 846 (0.003932) 21. feature 794 (0.003768) 22. feature 743 (0.003730) 23. feature 787 (0.003548) 24. feature 47 (0.003484) 25. feature 882 (0.003482) 26. feature 880 (0.003440) 27. feature 812 (0.003427) 28. feature 159 (0.003372) 29. feature 706 (0.003340) 30. feature 360 (0.003229) 31. feature 826 (0.003218) 32. feature 561 (0.003208) 33. feature 756 (0.003116) 34. feature 332 (0.003072) 35. feature 294 (0.003054) 36. feature 628 (0.003013) 37. feature 935 (0.003009) 38. feature 620 (0.002994) 39. feature 378 (0.002925) 40. feature 74 (0.002763) 41. feature 627 (0.002728) 42. feature 688 (0.002595) 43. feature 667 (0.002594) 44. feature 886 (0.002504) 45. feature 283 (0.002504) 46. feature 80 (0.002476) 47. feature 19 (0.002456) 48. feature 239 (0.002454) 49. feature 717 (0.002448) 50. feature 721 (0.002432) 51. feature 603 (0.002387) 52. feature 452 (0.002386) 53. feature 322 (0.002377) 54. feature 867 (0.002358) 55. feature 144 (0.002346) 56. feature 302 (0.002298) 57. feature 176 (0.002296) 58. feature 467 (0.002296) 59. feature 168 (0.002259) 60. feature 572 (0.002249) 61. feature 876 (0.002248) 62. feature 863 (0.002248) 63. feature 392 (0.002217) 64. feature 645 (0.002216) 65. feature 259 (0.002214) 66. feature 491 (0.002192) 67. feature 621 (0.002168) 68. feature 238 (0.002136) 69. feature 819 (0.002134) 70. feature 31 (0.002118) 71. feature 740 (0.002111) 72. feature 55 (0.002095) 73. feature 750 (0.002077) 74. feature 465 (0.002068) 75. feature 805 (0.002049) 76. feature 307 (0.002040) 77. feature 475 (0.002030) 78. feature 905 (0.002013) 79. feature 695 (0.002008) 80. feature 34 (0.002004) 81. feature 946 (0.001980) 82. feature 99 (0.001951) 83. feature 45 (0.001946) 84. feature 895 (0.001925) 85. feature 415 (0.001908) 86. feature 859 (0.001901) 87. feature 564 (0.001875) 88. feature 662 (0.001873) 89. feature 518 (0.001872) 90. feature 32 (0.001868) 91. feature 346 (0.001868) 92. feature 493 (0.001836) 93. feature 510 (0.001816) 94. feature 679 (0.001797) 95. feature 92 (0.001792) 96. feature 730 (0.001791) 97. feature 761 (0.001790) 98. feature 21 (0.001786) 99. feature 576 (0.001781) 100. feature 590 (0.001755) 101. feature 353 (0.001753) 102. feature 390 (0.001737) 103. feature 547 (0.001721) 104. feature 177 (0.001719) 105. feature 681 (0.001705) 106. feature 106 (0.001691) 107. feature 742 (0.001663) 108. feature 838 (0.001663) 109. feature 12 (0.001651) 110. feature 393 (0.001627) 111. feature 836 (0.001618) 112. feature 790 (0.001615) 113. feature 413 (0.001597) 114. feature 624 (0.001592) 115. feature 728 (0.001590) 116. feature 63 (0.001589) 117. feature 961 (0.001577) 118. feature 538 (0.001565) 119. feature 741 (0.001562) 120. feature 634 (0.001560) 121. feature 832 (0.001554) 122. feature 174 (0.001543) 123. feature 865 (0.001539) 124. feature 70 (0.001538) 125. feature 477 (0.001509) 126. feature 823 (0.001493) 127. feature 16 (0.001492) 128. feature 154 (0.001490) 129. feature 527 (0.001488) 130. feature 441 (0.001487) 131. feature 938 (0.001486) 132. feature 524 (0.001483) 133. feature 758 (0.001480) 134. feature 217 (0.001478) 135. feature 180 (0.001469) 136. feature 124 (0.001449) 137. feature 336 (0.001444) 138. feature 673 (0.001417) 139. feature 597 (0.001407) 140. feature 640 (0.001400) 141. feature 270 (0.001380) 142. feature 458 (0.001378) 143. feature 571 (0.001378) 144. feature 559 (0.001376) 145. feature 88 (0.001359) 146. feature 647 (0.001345) 147. feature 839 (0.001342) 148. feature 588 (0.001334) 149. feature 11 (0.001317) 150. feature 253 (0.001295) 151. feature 481 (0.001286) 152. feature 715 (0.001286) 153. feature 655 (0.001280) 154. feature 293 (0.001269) 155. feature 91 (0.001257) 156. feature 558 (0.001256) 157. feature 660 (0.001256) 158. feature 498 (0.001251) 159. feature 512 (0.001247) 160. feature 219 (0.001247) 161. feature 284 (0.001246) 162. feature 757 (0.001240) 163. feature 317 (0.001234) 164. feature 668 (0.001221) 165. feature 335 (0.001215) 166. feature 345 (0.001215) 167. feature 871 (0.001213) 168. feature 328 (0.001206) 169. feature 646 (0.001203) 170. feature 525 (0.001191) 171. feature 950 (0.001191) 172. feature 622 (0.001178) 173. feature 874 (0.001174) 174. feature 904 (0.001173) 175. feature 731 (0.001169) 176. feature 643 (0.001166) 177. feature 556 (0.001165) 178. feature 326 (0.001151) 179. feature 884 (0.001147) 180. feature 301 (0.001147) 181. feature 578 (0.001147) 182. feature 299 (0.001146) 183. feature 755 (0.001145) 184. feature 503 (0.001141) 185. feature 233 (0.001137) 186. feature 242 (0.001136) 187. feature 656 (0.001128) 188. feature 540 (0.001119) 189. feature 704 (0.001117) 190. feature 129 (0.001111) 191. feature 40 (0.001108) 192. feature 188 (0.001108) 193. feature 746 (0.001107) 194. feature 763 (0.001087) 195. feature 594 (0.001087) 196. feature 816 (0.001080) 197. feature 807 (0.001080) 198. feature 190 (0.001074) 199. feature 140 (0.001073) 200. feature 825 (0.001071) 201. feature 782 (0.001067) 202. feature 368 (0.001064) 203. feature 879 (0.001055) 204. feature 811 (0.001049) 205. feature 844 (0.001046) 206. feature 841 (0.001044) 207. feature 315 (0.001029) 208. feature 919 (0.001029) 209. feature 212 (0.001029) 210. feature 694 (0.001027) 211. feature 665 (0.001021) 212. feature 229 (0.001019) 213. feature 875 (0.001019) 214. feature 732 (0.001017) 215. feature 51 (0.001009) 216. feature 105 (0.001006) 217. feature 513 (0.001000) 218. feature 382 (0.000999) 219. feature 472 (0.000998) 220. feature 101 (0.000997) 221. feature 659 (0.000994) 222. feature 487 (0.000994) 223. feature 333 (0.000988) 224. feature 122 (0.000986) 225. feature 201 (0.000984) 226. feature 610 (0.000982) 227. feature 9 (0.000981) 228. feature 118 (0.000957) 229. feature 788 (0.000957) 230. feature 845 (0.000954) 231. feature 521 (0.000953) 232. feature 287 (0.000951) 233. feature 925 (0.000950) 234. feature 726 (0.000947) 235. feature 28 (0.000941) 236. feature 599 (0.000940) 237. feature 78 (0.000935) 238. feature 53 (0.000935) 239. feature 894 (0.000935) 240. feature 502 (0.000926) 241. feature 544 (0.000923) 242. feature 411 (0.000922) 243. feature 881 (0.000918) 244. feature 87 (0.000916) 245. feature 150 (0.000908) 246. feature 13 (0.000905) 247. feature 44 (0.000904) 248. feature 114 (0.000898) 249. feature 852 (0.000895) 250. feature 918 (0.000894) 251. feature 356 (0.000890) 252. feature 749 (0.000884) 253. feature 526 (0.000882) 254. feature 955 (0.000882) 255. feature 605 (0.000880) 256. feature 247 (0.000878) 257. feature 69 (0.000874) 258. feature 583 (0.000873) 259. feature 702 (0.000872) 260. feature 350 (0.000864) 261. feature 41 (0.000859) 262. feature 48 (0.000856) 263. feature 97 (0.000856) 264. feature 550 (0.000853) 265. feature 933 (0.000852) 266. feature 887 (0.000852) 267. feature 323 (0.000846) 268. feature 267 (0.000845) 269. feature 204 (0.000845) 270. feature 457 (0.000841) 271. feature 712 (0.000839) 272. feature 427 (0.000833) 273. feature 130 (0.000826) 274. feature 798 (0.000825) 275. feature 156 (0.000822) 276. feature 137 (0.000821) 277. feature 940 (0.000811) 278. feature 786 (0.000799) 279. feature 103 (0.000798) 280. feature 842 (0.000796) 281. feature 494 (0.000795) 282. feature 670 (0.000793) 283. feature 273 (0.000792) 284. feature 601 (0.000783) 285. feature 675 (0.000783) 286. feature 422 (0.000781) 287. feature 683 (0.000776) 288. feature 183 (0.000774) 289. feature 486 (0.000773) 290. feature 772 (0.000760) 291. feature 530 (0.000757) 292. feature 785 (0.000750) 293. feature 445 (0.000750) 294. feature 682 (0.000748) 295. feature 36 (0.000747) 296. feature 505 (0.000746) 297. feature 769 (0.000745) 298. feature 214 (0.000742) 299. feature 906 (0.000736) 300. feature 806 (0.000736) 301. feature 165 (0.000732) 302. feature 17 (0.000729) 303. feature 639 (0.000728) 304. feature 414 (0.000719) 305. feature 923 (0.000716) 306. feature 534 (0.000713) 307. feature 100 (0.000712) 308. feature 108 (0.000711) 309. feature 815 (0.000706) 310. feature 618 (0.000706) 311. feature 744 (0.000705) 312. feature 612 (0.000705) 313. feature 104 (0.000701) 314. feature 691 (0.000697) 315. feature 921 (0.000696) 316. feature 514 (0.000686) 317. feature 385 (0.000686) 318. feature 312 (0.000686) 319. feature 215 (0.000683) 320. feature 907 (0.000679) 321. feature 470 (0.000676) 322. feature 278 (0.000675) 323. feature 256 (0.000670) 324. feature 453 (0.000665) 325. feature 489 (0.000664) 326. feature 158 (0.000662) 327. feature 280 (0.000661) 328. feature 436 (0.000661) 329. feature 672 (0.000661) 330. feature 716 (0.000659) 331. feature 275 (0.000659) 332. feature 349 (0.000655) 333. feature 765 (0.000655) 334. feature 119 (0.000648) 335. feature 128 (0.000639) 336. feature 554 (0.000634) 337. feature 760 (0.000633) 338. feature 354 (0.000633) 339. feature 522 (0.000632) 340. feature 768 (0.000626) 341. feature 553 (0.000616) 342. feature 443 (0.000615) 343. feature 849 (0.000615) 344. feature 49 (0.000614) 345. feature 485 (0.000613) 346. feature 249 (0.000609) 347. feature 449 (0.000607) 348. feature 365 (0.000605) 349. feature 774 (0.000603) 350. feature 149 (0.000599) 351. feature 649 (0.000597) 352. feature 736 (0.000595) 353. feature 440 (0.000592) 354. feature 389 (0.000592) 355. feature 893 (0.000586) 356. feature 519 (0.000582) 357. feature 38 (0.000581) 358. feature 243 (0.000579) 359. feature 337 (0.000579) 360. feature 381 (0.000577) 361. feature 619 (0.000576) 362. feature 115 (0.000573) 363. feature 575 (0.000572) 364. feature 480 (0.000571) 365. feature 117 (0.000566) 366. feature 687 (0.000565) 367. feature 423 (0.000564) 368. feature 428 (0.000560) 369. feature 504 (0.000556) 370. feature 77 (0.000556) 371. feature 362 (0.000550) 372. feature 265 (0.000547) 373. feature 223 (0.000546) 374. feature 898 (0.000544) 375. feature 430 (0.000541) 376. feature 189 (0.000536) 377. feature 271 (0.000536) 378. feature 261 (0.000534) 379. feature 885 (0.000531) 380. feature 843 (0.000523) 381. feature 377 (0.000520) 382. feature 277 (0.000519) 383. feature 934 (0.000519) 384. feature 65 (0.000514) 385. feature 635 (0.000513) 386. feature 516 (0.000511) 387. feature 800 (0.000509) 388. feature 878 (0.000501) 389. feature 851 (0.000501) 390. feature 148 (0.000497) 391. feature 549 (0.000490) 392. feature 316 (0.000490) 393. feature 858 (0.000489) 394. feature 831 (0.000489) 395. feature 398 (0.000488) 396. feature 22 (0.000487) 397. feature 889 (0.000486) 398. feature 218 (0.000481) 399. feature 127 (0.000481) 400. feature 276 (0.000478) 401. feature 14 (0.000478) 402. feature 439 (0.000477) 403. feature 837 (0.000475) 404. feature 173 (0.000471) 405. feature 584 (0.000469) 406. feature 951 (0.000465) 407. feature 172 (0.000465) 408. feature 944 (0.000464) 409. feature 305 (0.000462) 410. feature 611 (0.000459) 411. feature 932 (0.000458) 412. feature 890 (0.000451) 413. feature 468 (0.000447) 414. feature 623 (0.000443) 415. feature 20 (0.000443) 416. feature 418 (0.000442) 417. feature 690 (0.000442) 418. feature 456 (0.000441) 419. feature 725 (0.000432) 420. feature 532 (0.000431) 421. feature 264 (0.000431) 422. feature 210 (0.000431) 423. feature 200 (0.000431) 424. feature 121 (0.000429) 425. feature 515 (0.000423) 426. feature 199 (0.000422) 427. feature 888 (0.000412) 428. feature 669 (0.000409) 429. feature 220 (0.000408) 430. feature 771 (0.000408) 431. feature 671 (0.000407) 432. feature 873 (0.000407) 433. feature 84 (0.000405) 434. feature 739 (0.000397) 435. feature 61 (0.000393) 436. feature 186 (0.000392) 437. feature 476 (0.000391) 438. feature 780 (0.000390) 439. feature 633 (0.000389) 440. feature 596 (0.000385) 441. feature 24 (0.000385) 442. feature 497 (0.000383) 443. feature 698 (0.000381) 444. feature 506 (0.000375) 445. feature 235 (0.000373) 446. feature 824 (0.000373) 447. feature 809 (0.000367) 448. feature 545 (0.000360) 449. feature 764 (0.000351) 450. feature 892 (0.000351) 451. feature 306 (0.000346) 452. feature 82 (0.000345) 453. feature 629 (0.000344) 454. feature 777 (0.000341) 455. feature 797 (0.000338) 456. feature 433 (0.000337) 457. feature 62 (0.000335) 458. feature 455 (0.000331) 459. feature 313 (0.000325) 460. feature 424 (0.000323) 461. feature 347 (0.000323) 462. feature 5 (0.000320) 463. feature 75 (0.000318) 464. feature 311 (0.000316) 465. feature 182 (0.000315) 466. feature 285 (0.000315) 467. feature 592 (0.000312) 468. feature 636 (0.000307) 469. feature 90 (0.000307) 470. feature 43 (0.000307) 471. feature 939 (0.000307) 472. feature 437 (0.000306) 473. feature 10 (0.000305) 474. feature 291 (0.000303) 475. feature 89 (0.000301) 476. feature 866 (0.000300) 477. feature 577 (0.000299) 478. feature 397 (0.000299) 479. feature 370 (0.000298) 480. feature 290 (0.000297) 481. feature 539 (0.000295) 482. feature 29 (0.000293) 483. feature 766 (0.000291) 484. feature 855 (0.000291) 485. feature 817 (0.000289) 486. feature 945 (0.000285) 487. feature 46 (0.000283) 488. feature 139 (0.000283) 489. feature 689 (0.000283) 490. feature 848 (0.000282) 491. feature 585 (0.000280) 492. feature 686 (0.000278) 493. feature 348 (0.000277) 494. feature 625 (0.000276) 495. feature 567 (0.000275) 496. feature 897 (0.000273) 497. feature 179 (0.000271) 498. feature 827 (0.000267) 499. feature 318 (0.000262) 500. feature 586 (0.000262) 501. feature 484 (0.000259) 502. feature 227 (0.000257) 503. feature 928 (0.000257) 504. feature 700 (0.000257) 505. feature 250 (0.000255) 506. feature 901 (0.000250) 507. feature 630 (0.000246) 508. feature 830 (0.000246) 509. feature 126 (0.000243) 510. feature 374 (0.000241) 511. feature 829 (0.000240) 512. feature 297 (0.000240) 513. feature 531 (0.000239) 514. feature 922 (0.000236) 515. feature 714 (0.000235) 516. feature 324 (0.000234) 517. feature 701 (0.000233) 518. feature 73 (0.000232) 519. feature 113 (0.000232) 520. feature 828 (0.000228) 521. feature 789 (0.000228) 522. feature 511 (0.000225) 523. feature 417 (0.000223) 524. feature 153 (0.000222) 525. feature 814 (0.000221) 526. feature 507 (0.000221) 527. feature 710 (0.000220) 528. feature 718 (0.000220) 529. feature 926 (0.000219) 530. feature 543 (0.000216) 531. feature 166 (0.000213) 532. feature 617 (0.000213) 533. feature 339 (0.000212) 534. feature 942 (0.000212) 535. feature 23 (0.000209) 536. feature 195 (0.000206) 537. feature 685 (0.000204) 538. feature 856 (0.000201) 539. feature 520 (0.000200) 540. feature 707 (0.000196) 541. feature 808 (0.000195) 542. feature 529 (0.000194) 543. feature 820 (0.000192) 544. feature 949 (0.000190) 545. feature 111 (0.000190) 546. feature 194 (0.000186) 547. feature 474 (0.000185) 548. feature 490 (0.000185) 549. feature 79 (0.000185) 550. feature 27 (0.000184) 551. feature 783 (0.000184) 552. feature 60 (0.000182) 553. feature 693 (0.000181) 554. feature 178 (0.000181) 555. feature 66 (0.000180) 556. feature 775 (0.000179) 557. feature 478 (0.000178) 558. feature 724 (0.000176) 559. feature 954 (0.000175) 560. feature 395 (0.000173) 561. feature 237 (0.000173) 562. feature 258 (0.000168) 563. feature 133 (0.000168) 564. feature 216 (0.000166) 565. feature 375 (0.000164) 566. feature 123 (0.000160) 567. feature 853 (0.000156) 568. feature 187 (0.000156) 569. feature 371 (0.000156) 570. feature 451 (0.000153) 571. feature 107 (0.000151) 572. feature 408 (0.000150) 573. feature 608 (0.000146) 574. feature 677 (0.000145) 575. feature 705 (0.000143) 576. feature 169 (0.000143) 577. feature 899 (0.000141) 578. feature 170 (0.000140) 579. feature 953 (0.000138) 580. feature 868 (0.000134) 581. feature 804 (0.000134) 582. feature 355 (0.000134) 583. feature 473 (0.000132) 584. feature 913 (0.000132) 585. feature 410 (0.000130) 586. feature 713 (0.000126) 587. feature 134 (0.000125) 588. feature 76 (0.000125) 589. feature 748 (0.000121) 590. feature 131 (0.000117) 591. feature 343 (0.000114) 592. feature 637 (0.000114) 593. feature 64 (0.000114) 594. feature 93 (0.000111) 595. feature 850 (0.000111) 596. feature 363 (0.000111) 597. feature 860 (0.000111) 598. feature 330 (0.000110) 599. feature 432 (0.000109) 600. feature 192 (0.000107) 601. feature 152 (0.000107) 602. feature 240 (0.000106) 603. feature 344 (0.000103) 604. feature 734 (0.000101) 605. feature 615 (0.000101) 606. feature 738 (0.000099) 607. feature 833 (0.000097) 608. feature 67 (0.000097) 609. feature 143 (0.000097) 610. feature 840 (0.000096) 611. feature 752 (0.000095) 612. feature 883 (0.000094) 613. feature 902 (0.000094) 614. feature 52 (0.000093) 615. feature 810 (0.000093) 616. feature 269 (0.000093) 617. feature 912 (0.000090) 618. feature 376 (0.000085) 619. feature 924 (0.000084) 620. feature 193 (0.000079) 621. feature 784 (0.000078) 622. feature 488 (0.000077) 623. feature 523 (0.000075) 624. feature 598 (0.000075) 625. feature 226 (0.000074) 626. feature 952 (0.000074) 627. feature 609 (0.000074) 628. feature 419 (0.000072) 629. feature 870 (0.000072) 630. feature 221 (0.000071) 631. feature 450 (0.000070) 632. feature 709 (0.000068) 633. feature 380 (0.000067) 634. feature 399 (0.000065) 635. feature 268 (0.000060) 636. feature 420 (0.000060) 637. feature 112 (0.000059) 638. feature 197 (0.000058) 639. feature 747 (0.000058) 640. feature 956 (0.000058) 641. feature 208 (0.000057) 642. feature 286 (0.000057) 643. feature 171 (0.000057) 644. feature 351 (0.000056) 645. feature 334 (0.000056) 646. feature 631 (0.000056) 647. feature 447 (0.000056) 648. feature 745 (0.000055) 649. feature 937 (0.000054) 650. feature 357 (0.000054) 651. feature 692 (0.000053) 652. feature 369 (0.000053) 653. feature 325 (0.000052) 654. feature 803 (0.000052) 655. feature 508 (0.000052) 656. feature 298 (0.000051) 657. feature 289 (0.000050) 658. feature 95 (0.000050) 659. feature 552 (0.000048) 660. feature 737 (0.000048) 661. feature 697 (0.000048) 662. feature 650 (0.000047) 663. feature 604 (0.000046) 664. feature 947 (0.000046) 665. feature 661 (0.000046) 666. feature 614 (0.000045) 667. feature 160 (0.000045) 668. feature 338 (0.000044) 669. feature 222 (0.000043) 670. feature 795 (0.000041) 671. feature 33 (0.000041) 672. feature 314 (0.000041) 673. feature 56 (0.000041) 674. feature 551 (0.000039) 675. feature 135 (0.000039) 676. feature 58 (0.000039) 677. feature 213 (0.000038) 678. feature 211 (0.000038) 679. feature 407 (0.000037) 680. feature 425 (0.000036) 681. feature 535 (0.000036) 682. feature 818 (0.000035) 683. feature 591 (0.000035) 684. feature 903 (0.000034) 685. feature 678 (0.000033) 686. feature 548 (0.000032) 687. feature 54 (0.000032) 688. feature 562 (0.000031) 689. feature 321 (0.000030) 690. feature 444 (0.000030) 691. feature 429 (0.000030) 692. feature 262 (0.000030) 693. feature 735 (0.000029) 694. feature 125 (0.000028) 695. feature 412 (0.000028) 696. feature 587 (0.000027) 697. feature 164 (0.000026) 698. feature 483 (0.000026) 699. feature 720 (0.000025) 700. feature 607 (0.000025) 701. feature 252 (0.000025) 702. feature 854 (0.000025) 703. feature 727 (0.000024) 704. feature 857 (0.000023) 705. feature 68 (0.000023) 706. feature 245 (0.000023) 707. feature 931 (0.000022) 708. feature 263 (0.000022) 709. feature 759 (0.000022) 710. feature 680 (0.000022) 711. feature 471 (0.000021) 712. feature 30 (0.000021) 713. feature 292 (0.000021) 714. feature 684 (0.000019) 715. feature 754 (0.000019) 716. feature 708 (0.000019) 717. feature 658 (0.000019) 718. feature 255 (0.000019) 719. feature 770 (0.000018) 720. feature 205 (0.000018) 721. feature 300 (0.000018) 722. feature 442 (0.000018) 723. feature 941 (0.000018) 724. feature 574 (0.000018) 725. feature 469 (0.000018) 726. feature 142 (0.000017) 727. feature 557 (0.000017) 728. feature 234 (0.000017) 729. feature 35 (0.000017) 730. feature 8 (0.000017) 731. feature 145 (0.000017) 732. feature 364 (0.000017) 733. feature 72 (0.000017) 734. feature 722 (0.000017) 735. feature 244 (0.000017) 736. feature 570 (0.000016) 737. feature 877 (0.000016) 738. feature 911 (0.000015) 739. feature 361 (0.000015) 740. feature 319 (0.000015) 741. feature 25 (0.000015) 742. feature 7 (0.000014) 743. feature 146 (0.000014) 744. feature 132 (0.000014) 745. feature 209 (0.000014) 746. feature 388 (0.000014) 747. feature 224 (0.000014) 748. feature 711 (0.000014) 749. feature 644 (0.000013) 750. feature 175 (0.000013) 751. feature 517 (0.000013) 752. feature 533 (0.000013) 753. feature 723 (0.000013) 754. feature 500 (0.000013) 755. feature 696 (0.000013) 756. feature 157 (0.000013) 757. feature 6 (0.000012) 758. feature 394 (0.000012) 759. feature 379 (0.000011) 760. feature 781 (0.000011) 761. feature 537 (0.000011) 762. feature 778 (0.000011) 763. feature 464 (0.000011) 764. feature 626 (0.000011) 765. feature 657 (0.000011) 766. feature 329 (0.000010) 767. feature 908 (0.000010) 768. feature 460 (0.000010) 769. feature 463 (0.000010) 770. feature 606 (0.000010) 771. feature 580 (0.000010) 772. feature 81 (0.000010) 773. feature 421 (0.000009) 774. feature 495 (0.000009) 775. feature 751 (0.000009) 776. feature 83 (0.000009) 777. feature 703 (0.000009) 778. feature 762 (0.000009) 779. feature 303 (0.000009) 780. feature 257 (0.000008) 781. feature 191 (0.000008) 782. feature 566 (0.000008) 783. feature 616 (0.000008) 784. feature 676 (0.000008) 785. feature 448 (0.000008) 786. feature 528 (0.000008) 787. feature 891 (0.000008) 788. feature 652 (0.000008) 789. feature 116 (0.000008) 790. feature 279 (0.000007) 791. feature 461 (0.000007) 792. feature 651 (0.000007) 793. feature 462 (0.000007) 794. feature 563 (0.000007) 795. feature 648 (0.000007) 796. feature 542 (0.000007) 797. feature 342 (0.000007) 798. feature 202 (0.000006) 799. feature 791 (0.000006) 800. feature 310 (0.000006) 801. feature 359 (0.000006) 802. feature 102 (0.000006) 803. feature 776 (0.000006) 804. feature 230 (0.000005) 805. feature 206 (0.000005) 806. feature 254 (0.000005) 807. feature 948 (0.000005) 808. feature 546 (0.000005) 809. feature 802 (0.000004) 810. feature 664 (0.000004) 811. feature 26 (0.000004) 812. feature 161 (0.000004) 813. feature 405 (0.000003) 814. feature 638 (0.000003) 815. feature 801 (0.000003) 816. feature 225 (0.000003) 817. feature 779 (0.000003) 818. feature 555 (0.000003) 819. feature 896 (0.000003) 820. feature 792 (0.000003) 821. feature 862 (0.000002) 822. feature 401 (0.000002) 823. feature 834 (0.000002) 824. feature 579 (0.000002) 825. feature 536 (0.000002) 826. feature 57 (0.000002) 827. feature 917 (0.000002) 828. feature 155 (0.000002) 829. feature 402 (0.000002) 830. feature 71 (0.000002) 831. feature 120 (0.000002) 832. feature 138 (0.000002) 833. feature 466 (0.000001) 834. feature 86 (0.000001) 835. feature 185 (0.000001) 836. feature 366 (0.000001) 837. feature 641 (0.000001) 838. feature 479 (0.000001) 839. feature 916 (0.000001) 840. feature 18 (0.000001) 841. feature 147 (0.000001) 842. feature 15 (0.000001) 843. feature 383 (0.000001) 844. feature 773 (0.000001) 845. feature 184 (0.000001) 846. feature 822 (0.000001) 847. feature 396 (0.000001) 848. feature 260 (0.000001) 849. feature 241 (0.000001) 850. feature 304 (0.000001) 851. feature 813 (0.000001) 852. feature 50 (0.000001) 853. feature 288 (0.000001) 854. feature 835 (0.000001) 855. feature 573 (0.000000) 856. feature 387 (0.000000) 857. feature 541 (0.000000) 858. feature 910 (0.000000) 859. feature 438 (0.000000) 860. feature 232 (0.000000) 861. feature 602 (0.000000) 862. feature 927 (0.000000) 863. feature 296 (0.000000) 864. feature 793 (0.000000) 865. feature 459 (0.000000) 866. feature 909 (0.000000) 867. feature 386 (0.000000) 868. feature 400 (0.000000) 869. feature 207 (0.000000) 870. feature 509 (0.000000) 871. feature 198 (0.000000) 872. feature 699 (0.000000) 873. feature 864 (0.000000) 874. feature 729 (0.000000) 875. feature 281 (0.000000) 876. feature 282 (0.000000) 877. feature 37 (0.000000) 878. feature 295 (0.000000) 879. feature 733 (0.000000) 880. feature 136 (0.000000) 881. feature 501 (0.000000) 882. feature 39 (0.000000) 883. feature 499 (0.000000) 884. feature 496 (0.000000) 885. feature 42 (0.000000) 886. feature 613 (0.000000) 887. feature 482 (0.000000) 888. feature 900 (0.000000) 889. feature 642 (0.000000) 890. feature 632 (0.000000) 891. feature 719 (0.000000) 892. feature 163 (0.000000) 893. feature 595 (0.000000) 894. feature 593 (0.000000) 895. feature 589 (0.000000) 896. feature 582 (0.000000) 897. feature 581 (0.000000) 898. feature 796 (0.000000) 899. feature 568 (0.000000) 900. feature 246 (0.000000) 901. feature 565 (0.000000) 902. feature 847 (0.000000) 903. feature 248 (0.000000) 904. feature 151 (0.000000) 905. feature 196 (0.000000) 906. feature 799 (0.000000) 907. feature 251 (0.000000) 908. feature 560 (0.000000) 909. feature 162 (0.000000) 910. feature 141 (0.000000) 911. feature 600 (0.000000) 912. feature 274 (0.000000) 913. feature 920 (0.000000) 914. feature 930 (0.000000) 915. feature 231 (0.000000) 916. feature 203 (0.000000) 917. feature 372 (0.000000) 918. feature 674 (0.000000) 919. feature 236 (0.000000) 920. feature 391 (0.000000) 921. feature 110 (0.000000) 922. feature 384 (0.000000) 923. feature 85 (0.000000) 924. feature 936 (0.000000) 925. feature 341 (0.000000) 926. feature 373 (0.000000) 927. feature 367 (0.000000) 928. feature 327 (0.000000) 929. feature 753 (0.000000) 930. feature 654 (0.000000) 931. feature 358 (0.000000) 932. feature 94 (0.000000) 933. feature 914 (0.000000) 934. feature 96 (0.000000) 935. feature 352 (0.000000) 936. feature 98 (0.000000) 937. feature 915 (0.000000) 938. feature 331 (0.000000) 939. feature 663 (0.000000) 940. feature 666 (0.000000) 941. feature 434 (0.000000) 942. feature 861 (0.000000) 943. feature 454 (0.000000) 944. feature 767 (0.000000) 945. feature 943 (0.000000) 946. feature 308 (0.000000) 947. feature 446 (0.000000) 948. feature 59 (0.000000) 949. feature 309 (0.000000) 950. feature 435 (0.000000) 951. feature 431 (0.000000) 952. feature 403 (0.000000) 953. feature 869 (0.000000) 954. feature 416 (0.000000) 955. feature 409 (0.000000) 956. feature 406 (0.000000) 957. feature 320 (0.000000) 958. feature 228 (0.000000) 959. feature 821 (0.000000) 960. feature 167 (0.000000) 961. feature 404 (0.000000) 962. feature 872 (0.000000)
Create a few new variables in your dataframe to represent interesting features of a thread title.¶
- For example, create a feature that represents whether ‘cat’ is in the title or whether ‘funny’ is in the title.
- Then build a new Random Forest with these features. Do they add any value?
- After creating these variables, use count-vectorizer to create features based on the words in the thread titles.
- Build a new random forest model with subreddit and these new features included.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
text = []
for i in df['title']:
['Needs to be talked about', 'FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server', 'Cat takes a dip', 'HELLO! I am Michael Mando, Nacho from Better Call Saul. AMA!', 'Someone watches Bob Ross.', 'Since these cups are everywhere now, I figured we needed one for our profession, too..', 'Ride a bicycle on a highway, WCGW', 'TIL when Will Smith was 12, his grandma found his profanity-laced notebook and wrote, "Dear Will, truly intelligent people don\'t have to use words like this to express themselves. Please show the world that you\'re as smart as we think you are," on the back -- inspiring him to be a "clean" rapper.', 'What is it that we are living in the “golden age” of?', 'Did I ask you to stop, SLAVE!?', '"It\'s now or never" (Beat my personal kill record!)', 'King of close calls.', 'Yay! I wish me too', "She's beauty and she's grace", 'hmmm', 'Everything about this. No right click, A scroll wheel that is impossible to use, and terrible ergonomic design just to match their computers', 'Snoo Contest - Voting', 'Schindler’s List 25th anniversary re-release Poster', 'Hawk investigating a drone', 'TIFU by microwaving a chef boyardee on an active military base', 'Adopted this tiny weirdo from the shelter! We assume he is a dog.', '“Did he really just...”', '🅱ikini 🅱ottom', 'Wish it would stop.', 'My sister said "Powerwashing does nothing". I retaliated in the only way I know how.', '🅱ikini 🅱ottom', 'Warming up', 'Ride a bicycle on a highway, WCGW', '“Did he really just...”', 'Hero', "I can't unsee", 'The face of instant regret', 'To name this town', 'I’m 26, I just bought my first car that has AC and under 150k miles and I’m pretty fucking proud about it.', 'TIFU by microwaving a chef boyardee on an active military base', 'Everything about this. No right click, A scroll wheel that is impossible to use, and terrible ergonomic design just to match their computers', 'Schindler’s List 25th anniversary re-release Poster', 'When your day goes from not good to bad to worse to KILL ME NOW!', 'Abandoned castle in midwinter. [1080x1350] [OC]', 'While I do some Spider-Man parkour with my friend.', 'Saw these stacked stone arches at the beach this morning', 'Family isn’t whose blood you carry.', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Spinning a T Handle in space', 'My great Uncles profile pic lol', 'Appeasing the big baby Bubbles', 'MRW My girlfriend starts hinting at wanting kids', 'Helicopter tail', 'Becoming a teet', 'Pug is a contortionist.', "This perfectly sums up Mitch's stream", 'Banana hate', 'What could have been... | by me', 'If you start counting from zero to either positive or negative numbers your lips wont touch till you reach 1 million', "Army 'Undercover Boss' filming delayed after Major suffers hazing-induced heart attack", 'Smash Ultimate switch console bundle leaked', 'Someone needed to say it', 'My friend traded in his 600whp 17\' STi for a lifted GMC 1500. His only comment to you guys. "Bet you have nothing besides ringland jokes"', 'Empty Road in Hawaii', 'Mother and children during the great depression, California, 1936 [758x758]', 'Ik_ihe', 'The streamer life do be like that', 'Tesla employees say "it’s a s**t show" working under beleaguered Elon Musk', 'This sub reminds me of a Dilbert comic frame.', 'Enter the Gungeon getting a physical release on Switch', 'Needs to be talked about', 'NFL Update on Twitter: "BREAKING: #Packers and QB Aaron Rodgers are finalizing a 4-year, $134M+ extension with over $100M guaranteed, per NFL Network."', 'So youtube is demonetizing people for not being “kid friendly” and for using the wrong tags, but allowing ads like this to pop up? I’m not even an adult yet. And I think they just ruined peanut butter for me.', 'Becoming a teet', 'Three years on... #NeverForget', 'I found someone hiding in a history textbook!', 'Margaret Atwood: ‘Things can change a lot faster than you think’', 'Cable is such a ripoff', "Amazing y'all", 'Disney Princess Kaycee', 'Charging a phone when the cord does not reach the floor', 'Watching a man solve a problem', 'Manè: “The wrong team wanted me- Manchester United! I spoke with Van Gaal, and they even made an offer. But for me it was not the right club.”', 'Maybe Maybe Maybe', 'I (f20) work as a sexual assistant in Germany. It is part of my job to give the human right for pleasure and sexuality to old people and disabled. Ask me anything!', 'I just want to know what to type...', 'Fake Chad gamer i bet he cant even rise up', "It's okay to be a Robot", 'Finaly my third Monitor arrived!', 'DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up" by electing Gillum (FL-Gov)', 'Sony came up with a truly inventive name for its new tough SD card series | Tough. The "inventive name" is Tough.', 'My boyfriend dumped me a month ago, these are my results', 'Changed my student loan payment amount by an almost insignificant amount, loan term shortened significantly', '[Andy Slater] JUST IN: Marlins announce that they encourage fans to bring "musical instruments, flags, and more" to Marlins Park next year in newly-named outfield section "Comunidad 305."', 'We wrote a haiku for you...', 'Edgelord knows how to attract the atheist ladies.', 'Corgis in a cup holder!!!', 'My phone camera captured a shooting star', 'Forbidden snek', 'I had a disturbing idea for an episode...', 'Monica never did figure out what that light switch was for.', 'gay_irl', 'I dont know where else to post this cursed comic.', '[A] Smooth teeth', 'This pool', 'Father of the year', 'Santorini today, looks like a painting (part of travel topic : Greece)', 'Asteroid miners could use Earth’s atmosphere to catch space rocks - some engineers are drawing up a strategy to steer asteroids toward us, so our atmosphere can act as a giant catching mitt for resource-rich space rocks.', 'Drawing circuits with conductive ink', 'Small analysis of how McGregor bamboozled Alvarez', 'Ken M on jets', 'Cleaning up tinder', 'Biker Chic.', 'Just gonna leave this derp here', '"I make wheelchairs for pets. Anyone who knows of a puppy that needs one, contact. His name is Minino. I live in Manaus / BR."', 'God I sure love the new X Game One X!', '[Homemade] Doulbe cheeseburger', "How to unleash the anger of a 'nice guy'.", 'Devin Nunes dramatically changed his positions on Russia sometime in the first half of 2016. As late as December 2015 he was railing against populist Republicans and conspiracy theories. In 2014 he insisted the US and NATO should be arming Ukraine to defend against Russia. Something happened.', 'Nesso: The Most Charming Little Village in Italy.', "A young man murdered another young man during a mugging, completely freaks out in court when he's sentenced to life in prison", 'Stevie Nicks after a concert in Amsterdam. (April 1977)', 'California becomes second US state to commit to clean energy', '🤔🔥🍆😭💯', 'I made tons of cards with meal options according to the guide made for me by my nutritionist. I just pick and pin them to my meal planner board and it makes grocery shopping much easier!', 'Amen', 'Sony came up with a truly inventive name for its new tough SD card series | Tough. The "inventive name" is Tough.', 'Here we see consequences.', '2meirl4meirl', 'Leave some pussy for the rest of us.', 'Hailing a Cab to Jail', 'Awektha [OC]', 'A blind dog named Fly was rescued by a team of lifeguards and a helicopter crew after his owner tried and failed to save him from the sea', 'AuStRaLiAn SpAcE PrOgRaM EnDs iN DiSaStEr', '*unlocks cock-cage*', 'This is a Harry Potter style wand I made for my wife!', 'Here’s How Much Time You’ll Waste Commuting in Your Lifetime in Nearly Every US City (Interactive Map)', 'How to find out if he’s really the one', 'New study finds that goats are drawn to humans with happy facial expressions.', 'I just peed a little. In my pants...', "When your parents say to smile on 3 but you don't know your numbers yet", 'When Spidey first hears Quills voice without his helmet he realises he’s human and his eyes show less concern than before the mask is removed. After Quill said he’s from Missouri Spidey removes his mask completely', 'When you buy from the banana seller but he still attacks you', "Someone's in here meow?!", 'Daenerys tells Jon what kept her standing through the years in exile.', 'My [36M] wife [34F] has been having an affair with her own brother and I realised our son might not even be mine.', 'This guy and his drink', 'It scared me then...it still does now.', 'THERE ARE NO ALIENS HERE, OR ROBOTS', 'Happy pupper!', "Amazing y'all", 'If dogs had butts that needed to be wiped every time, less people would own them.', 'Brøderbund announces 2018 Oregon Trail reboot, touts “high difficulty” gameplay', 'Broke my iPad screen :(', 'Are you fine...?', 'A Wild Kiwi Appears!', 'Good Morning', '"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.” -Bill Hicks (2000x1126 pixels)', 'That’s savage', 'Happy pupper!', 'I don’t have a heartwarming story behind this picture. I was just inspired by how this bro has decided to use his time in his latter years of life.', 'First Man - Official Trailer #2 [HD]', 'When you buy from the banana seller but he still attacks you', 'Gotta start em off early', '6:00AM Bed Zoom', 'Tom\'s Hardware is censoring and banning editors and users who have talked negatively about the "Just Buy It" article.', 'Drinking water to be shut off at all Detroit public schools', 'What the F? Is this Type B sockets in Russia? Game is literally unplayable', "When your parents say to smile on 3 but you don't know your numbers yet", 'Spotted at a local tea shop. He would be proud.', 'Waiting in line at Starbucks and guy in front of me asks friend “you want a muffin?”. Friend replies “no, I’m breaking my intermittent fast in 2 hours.” Proceeds to order “venti caramel macchiato with extra whip and 2 extra servings of caramel.”', 'Surprise surprise, I was blocked.', 'Mother and children during the great depression, California, 1936 [758x758]', 'My handsome pupper, Brutus!', 'Anon performs a sexual act', 'More than 150 arrested in massive ICE raid in Texas', "I'm so hungry right now", 'Tap here to power up!', 'This cameraman', 'Noticed this weird thing on the side near the light. In london', 'Naked girls on the internet can get thousands of likes, but how many can our 10.5 cm leFH 18 leichte Feldhaubitze’s get?', 'How could this happen', 'When Joe overhears someone saying their doctor told them to cut back on salt.', 'How have I never thought of this?', 'When you’re girlfriend asks you a question and you think about the long term costs', 'The expectation didn’t even look great, but the eyes are missing in the real thing', "Guess i'll nap.", 'Good boi has a Good Point.', 'Monica never did figure out what that light switch was for.', 'Disney Princess Kaycee', 'Conductive ink', 'My wife’s favorite price tag', 'Odogaron Armor Fanart', '[PS Plus September 2018] [Video] Destiny 2 & God of War 3 Remastered (Destiny 2 available right now!)', 'A Wild Kiwi Appears!', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Always been a Ferrari fan but could never deny these guys looked the business', 'On The Edge', 'Skull wearing a skull', 'You want me to show up... when?', 'Rand Paul endorses Gary Johnson, puts principles over party', "Father's armor", 'California Highway Patrol officer tickets driver for going too slow in fast lane.', 'Finaly my third Monitor arrived!', 'How to shake ankles', 'Kentucky sure has some interesting cards', 'We need more people like Richard.', 'Skull wearing a skull', 'I think I found a date for Azula.', 'You see comrade, glorious leader of Soviet Union has a good sense of humor.', 'That tree will be fully hydrated', 'Sounds about right', 'Sergio Pettis looks pleasantly surprised to see his arm raised against Joseph Benavidez', 'At work I smoked half a joint at lunch.', 'Hello hooman!', 'hmmm', 'This 3D printed marble operated door knob can only be opened by dropping a marble into the top compartment', 'How about a blop boop', "Why is Lindsey Graham rolling over for Trump now? I'm sure it has nothing to do with his December 2016 announcement that Russians hacked his campaign email account.", 'Trump, without evidence, blames China for hacking Clinton emails', 'Let’s reminisce for a moment', 'We wrote a haiku for you...', 'It REalY dO Be LikE ThAT.', '[Haiku] Playing nightcore with the boys', 'Tom\'s Hardware is censoring and banning editors and users who have talked negatively about the "Just Buy It" article.', 'Nothing hits you like a dog not liking you.', 'When your friends ask you which units you used to clear the abyssal difficulty', 'Cargo Camper Build', 'Found on r/dankmemes', 'woof irl', 'Finally managed to watch the gameplay trailer today, it really is fascinating.', 'As big as they come', "[Discussion](Battle Kid) Here's the code, finish it.", 'Am I too young to publish my work?', 'anime_irl', 'Unpopular opinion: this sub is a bad place to find new music', 'Dave Ramsey dead wrong on education costs...', 'Mom says bullies broke 6-year-old’s arm, beat him after he stood up for friend', 'Dev confirmed : Foxnext is listening and level 70 will be delayed', 'That tree will be fully hydrated', 'Unimpressive update? Yes but man do some of y’all sound entitled.', 'Hi. I love San Francisco.', 'Hopefully before the new editions are out', 'Why are there physically "attractive" and "unattractive" people? Shouldn\'t evolution have ruthlessly optimized that by now?', 'Maybe Maybe Maybe', '"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.” -Bill Hicks (2000x1126 pixels)', 'DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up" by electing Gillum (FL-Gov)', "Don't let Auspost bully you", 'Anon is fat', 'Took around 10 minutes.', 'How about a blop boop', 'Very surprised to see this new non-dairy info prominently displayed at Target, especially right next to the cow stuff!', 'Any interest for fantasy based on Southeast Asian cultures', 'yes', 'Flower Carpet, Belgium', 'Bob Vance, Vance Legislation', 'MRW I use one of the Taco Bell diablo sauce packets stashed in my glove compartment on a McChicken', 'The illusion of choice', "eh, I'll take it out on the dog", 'Toof', 'You see comrade, glorious leader of Soviet Union has a good sense of humor.', 'Chick-fil-A works in mysterious ways', 'Because of the implication', 'Master bedroom uses a pleasing mix of textures in this home in São Paulo, Brazil. [1108 × 1280]', 'Surprise surprise, I was blocked.', 'I don’t get this. What’s wrong with fajitas? I’ve never been to a Mexican restaurant...', 'This 3D printed marble operated door knob can only be opened by dropping a marble into the top compartment', 'What the F? Is this Type B sockets in Russia? Game is literally unplayable', "They're both killing it though 🔥", 'Incredibilis!', 'Sounds about right', 'My fiancé bought me custom Animal Crossing Joy-Con and I’m in love', 'The streamer life do be like that', 'The anger, the fear, the anger...', 'This police department’s page is full of Facebook wins. RIP O. Cone.', '[request] Is this true or even possible to calculate?', 'Cargo Camper Build', 'Waiting in line at Starbucks and guy in front of me asks friend “you want a muffin?”. Friend replies “no, I’m breaking my intermittent fast in 2 hours.” Proceeds to order “venti caramel macchiato with extra whip and 2 extra servings of caramel.”', 'Roses are red, there’s no point in trying', 'Sergio Pettis looks pleasantly surprised to see his arm raised against Joseph Benavidez', 'Clint Dempsey announces retirement from professional soccer', 'Mother and children during the great depression, California, 1936 [758x758]', 'Why else are you here?', 'Im here for my 3 updoots', 'Can a dead body still get a sunburn?', 'How long for an English speaker to become proficient', '[Haiku] Playing nightcore with the boys', 'Octolicious Mouth Tentacle!', "The o'le tap & pull", 'It’s been such an honor helping and watching him grow into the big silly boy he was meant to be. (Kingsley’s transformation from February to August 2018.)', 'Luftwafel', "'Smart' pen", 'Found this gem on Instagram', 'Bro, toss me one!', 'Going through my father in law’s basement, tried to throw it out. “No no , I still use it!”', 'My strangest dinner yet', 'For every upvote this post gets I will add 1 brick to the tower of Orthanc. No limits, and no regurgitation', "Blue Öyster Cult - (Don't fear) The Reaper [Classic Rock] 1976", "It's 2018, and for the next couple of weeks, Halo 1-4 and Modern Warfare 2 will be some of the most played games on XBL", 'Boss locked this cabinet a year ago and took the key', 'California is now the first state to recognise intersex rights!', 'Londoner gives a harrowingly insightful breakdown of the homeless in London.', 'Warming up', 'Muriatic Acid vs dirty seashell', 'Finally got my first tattoo and it’s my cat Viola! From Kristina Gray at Mainline Ink in Webster, TX', 'This is what happens when you touch a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator', 'Bart nailed it', 'Just got a job as brand ambassador thanks to this subreddit', 'Stephen Colbert Connects Chance the Rapper with "Lord of the Rings"', 'Tin of mints I found in a shop in England.', 'A speed camera catches a police vehicle... or not.', 'Skull Kid colored pencil on paper', 'Rainy Tokyo', 'Smoobygorl', 'The amount of water dispensed by this machine is equal to the exact capacity of my water bottle.', 'I found someone hiding in a history textbook!', 'kumicute', 'New take on the vaulted smoke grenades: Fire Extinguisher. How would you use it? Fog up the battlefield? Turbo boost Shopping carts? Snuff campfires?', 'Heckin cute snek', 'Almost there! . . .', 'The state of the country today', 'attanic', 'You lucky these bullets are holding me back', '...', 'So here is my prowler.. 4” lift, wide over-fenders, racks for every damn thing you can think of, a full hitch, there’s a full size bed in the back, and ridiculously low offset wheels. Oh ya it’s a mini cooper', 'Start ‘em young.', 'Extreme Dodgeball [Maid Dragon]', 'Adorable idiot', 'What a plot twist...', 'These reviews.', 'Fight the Germans!', 'Fit in the cupholders', 'My Bo is 9 years old today, but still effectively nailing those puppy dog eyes like he did they day we met him.', '[Resolved] After 25 years, the body of a crucified man found at the bottom of a river in New South Wales is identified. “Rack Man” is identified as Max Tancevski.', 'How to shake ankles', '[Marvel] Does Thor ever fight street crime the way Superman and Batman do?', 'Hailee in the Haiz days', 'Crayon shavings in gel', "H-hey! Don't look! [Original]", 'D12 manger, Jeremy Gergen has passed away.', 'Lephantis in one picture', 'Cloudsurfing', 'Commonwealth, Quezon City', 'The New Yorker Article on Magic was nice enough to include an illustrated guide to playing KCI', 'Today our League’s Last Place Finisher begins his 44 hours bus ride punishment.', 'Fecicies', 'I think we have a winner', 'My checked beer survived the flight!', 'Freshman 👶 know 💡 what’s up 💯', '1⃣2⃣ & 1⃣8⃣', 'Can anyone help me find the other pieces to this painting? A friend of my fathers made a huge mural over 15 years ago and cut it into 4 pieces for his close friends, I have 1/4 and am trying to track down the others! Was made in Salem Or but the other paintings could be anywhere in Oregon', 'A smelly smell that smells... smelly', '"Bad manners are the fault of the parent,not the child."-Gul Dukat', 'Scrolling past I thought it was a dementor (x-post)', "Johnson's Grocery, Christchurch, c2003", "It's been a great summer, but excited for fall 🍂👻🎃", 'Roses are red, everything has an end', '[Humor] If Supercell adds a new skin to Bull that looked exactly like Dynamike... Then no Dynamike will trust another Dynamike again...', 'idk this subreddit is dead so', 'The Monarch of the Glen, done by Simon Smith of Yarson Tattoo Studio, Aberdeen UK', 'Happy', 'Trump’s Coal Plan Will Kill People, but at Least It’ll Create Jobs, Right? Wrong. Trump’s rollback of the Clean Power Plan will kill one person prematurely for every three coal mining jobs temporarily saved. For every one coal mining job saved, the rule will sicken 16 children', 'i dragged this to the beach', "Noticed a few people across the internet wasting Chomsky's time with stupid questions or discussions. This was the best response.", 'What is the most disturbing book you have ever read?', 'He’s basically become one with the shoulder at this point', 'Mosasaurus vs. Ammonite by Paul Siedler', 'Gotta start em off early', 'The beach is a nice place', 'Cursed Kirby - Acrylic on a 20" x 16" canvas ups to u/Retrash for the color idea', 'once I saw the shockwave grenade in action, I instantly thought of this meme', 'My bright living room in Milan (Italy)', 'Practicing some tricks at the park today!', 'This scalding resignation letter from the White House student loan watchdog is a must-read.', 'Happy Gotcha Day, Possum!', 'Newest addition to the Production Office', 'My fiancé called off our engagement, but at least I still have Lucy.', 'A great video showing the size of wolves', 'My first let go purchase, very pleased.', 'New Hornet wing vapor effects added today.', 'Russian Typhoon class submarine Dmitriy Donskoi (TK-208) [1134 × 756]', 'You’re mom lol', 'Eureka "I\'m Not Racist Because I Wish I Was Black" O\'Hara Masterthreadussy', "Pu'sha, God of balance and Light", "She's not even logged into the POS ...", 'In the absence of an external barrier, when two nanocrytals meet they can fuse together: here is an example of two FeO nanoparticles merging under an electron microscope', 'Another beach episode with this girl 😘', 'Animations loops', 'Accusation', 'Cat.', 'Ah, at last... something we all have in common.', 'I came out to a family member for the first time.', 'cursed_tv', 'Beautiful Minnesota', '$20 Baby Gate vs 650 lbs of Great Dane', 'The Ranger Sequoia is synonymous with Big iron', 'Photo taken after the devastating volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.', 'My computer has one of these!', 'Jay Reatard - My Shadow', "doesn't u feel it", "I'm so shocked...", 'Zagreb u budućnosti - razglednica s početka 20. stoljeća', "When you can't get any good deals on Dell Poweredge servers...", 'Doodled my cat Pokey as Doctor Sung cuz idk :P', 'It really do be like that', 'All these talk of planes on submarines, meet the M6A1 Seiran. The plane that was built to be put inside the I400 class Submarine Carriers.', 'Nipple v. Butthole... (OP is a Satire Site for Women)', "It's been a great summer, but excited for fall 🍂👻🎃", 'LIBS get TRIGGERED 🙀💀😎 by EPIC SOCIETY', 'Jay Reatard - My Shadow', 'Photo taken after the devastating volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.', 'to show the product in use', "Similarly, I've heard that the Abrahamic god has parallels across various forms of Semitic Paganism (as one element of a larger pantheon). Did the Phoenicians/pagan Arabs have parallels to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and other Biblical stories?", 'hmmm', 'Russian Typhoon class submarine Dmitriy Donskoi (TK-208) [1134 × 756]', 'Fits the current situation and has some potential,invest for a secure profit!', 'Just saw this on Instagram', 'Avatar Kyoshi novels announced!', 'Daily Pajama IJN', 'Luca Hollestelle', 'At a Falafel stand', 'Zagreb u budućnosti - razglednica s početka 20. stoljeća', 'The Parkside Hotel & Spa, British Columbia [1000 x 597]', 'Brian Ferentz Overflows Toilets in Newly Renovated North Endzone After Late Night Chipotle Run', 'Billie Joe Armstrong, Typewriter, 148 x 210mm / A5', 'Did you ever work so hard only to lose all hope at the end of the road?', 'Finally completed my CIB Simpsons collection for the OG Game Boy, onto the next!', 'North Texas meth bust. Over 600 pounds of methamphetamine valued at over $6M seized from the small town of Electra,TX.', 'That’s how it be.', 'Another beach episode with this girl 😘', 'FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server', 'TIFU by microwaving a chef boyardee on an active military base', 'What is it that we are living in the “golden age” of?', 'I miss the days that political opponents respected each other', 'TIL in 2015, Queen Elizabeth II decided to not breed anymore corgis so that she would not leave any behind when she died. Her last corgi died in April 2018', 'Did I ask you to stop, SLAVE!?', 'Ride a bicycle on a highway, WCGW', 'Cat takes a dip', 'Everything about this. No right click, A scroll wheel that is impossible to use, and terrible ergonomic design just to match their computers', 'The face of instant regret', 'Schindler’s List 25th anniversary re-release Poster', 'What are the strangest "house rules" you\'ve seen in a person\'s house?', 'TIL when Will Smith was 12, his grandma found his profanity-laced notebook and wrote, "Dear Will, truly intelligent people don\'t have to use words like this to express themselves. Please show the world that you\'re as smart as we think you are," on the back -- inspiring him to be a "clean" rapper.', 'ULPT: Need friends? Create an attractive fake tinder profile of the opposite sex, start leading on a bunch of people, arrange a date with all of them on the same time, same place. Show up as well. Announce that they must have pulled a prank on all of you and suggest you all go drinking together.', 'WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime', 'LPT: When you put in a fresh bin bag, sprinkle some cat litter into the bottom of the bag. It will absorb any gross liquids, and your bags will have almost no bad odour.', '"It\'s now or never" (Beat my personal kill record!)', 'King of close calls.', 'To name this town', 'Arrests made after Facebook video shows young children smoking marijuana - Michaela Pearson and Candice Little are each charged with felony child abuse', 'Cleaning up tinder', "Tears and gasps after ex-officer gets a rare murder verdict for teen's death", 'The Dirtiest Job', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Snoo Contest - Voting', 'Other than doing the homework while the teacher is collecting it, what’s an “extreme sport”?', 'Someone watches Bob Ross.', 'Gotta start em off early', 'Since these cups are everywhere now, I figured we needed one for our profession, too..', 'Did I ask you to stop, SLAVE!?', "She's beauty and she's grace", 'FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server', '$109k personal bill for heart attack - even when insured', 'TIL when Will Smith was 12, his grandma found his profanity-laced notebook and wrote, "Dear Will, truly intelligent people don\'t have to use words like this to express themselves. Please show the world that you\'re as smart as we think you are," on the back -- inspiring him to be a "clean" rapper.', 'hmmm', 'Yay! I wish me too', 'Hawk investigating a drone', 'Goodwill workers of Reddit, what are some of the weirdest/ most interesting things people have donated?', '"It\'s now or never" (Beat my personal kill record!)', 'HELLO! I am Michael Mando, Nacho from Better Call Saul. AMA!', 'Scotland just became the first country in the world to make sanitary products free for all students', 'My sister said "Powerwashing does nothing". I retaliated in the only way I know how.', 'What are the strangest "house rules" you\'ve seen in a person\'s house?', 'What is the most disturbing book you have ever read?', 'Married people of Reddit: What was the biggest waste of money at your wedding?', 'WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime', '🅱ikini 🅱ottom', 'When was your gut instinct correct and got you out of a bad situation? [serious]', 'What is a way customers for your profession can help you out/make your job easier?', 'Warming up', 'I miss the days that political opponents respected each other', 'WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime', 'TIL in 2015, Queen Elizabeth II decided to not breed anymore corgis so that she would not leave any behind when she died. Her last corgi died in April 2018', 'Saw these stacked stone arches at the beach this morning', 'To name this town', 'What are the strangest "house rules" you\'ve seen in a person\'s house?', "I can't unsee", 'The face of instant regret', 'Arrests made after Facebook video shows young children smoking marijuana - Michaela Pearson and Candice Little are each charged with felony child abuse', 'This is a statue located in Berlin, entitled "Politicians Discussing Global Warming."', 'Marine Corps Vietnam War veterans recreate photo after being apart for 50 years .', 'Spinning a T Handle in space', 'California becomes second US state to commit to clean energy', 'LPT: When you put in a fresh bin bag, sprinkle some cat litter into the bottom of the bag. It will absorb any gross liquids, and your bags will have almost no bad odour.', 'The FBI and Citibank are reportedly investigating a suspiciously large 2016 payment from the Russian embassy to their ambassador to the US', 'When your day goes from not good to bad to worse to KILL ME NOW!', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Keep ya heart 3 stacks', 'Family isn’t whose blood you carry.', 'Abandoned castle in midwinter. [1080x1350] [OC]', 'Let me just dive through this cop car real fast', 'While I do some Spider-Man parkour with my friend.', 'Extreme Pushups', 'Appeasing the big baby Bubbles', 'MRW My girlfriend starts hinting at wanting kids', 'Helicopter tail', 'Becoming a teet', 'Pug is a contortionist.', 'Extreme Pushups', 'SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN', '19 years ago, this masterpiece was released. Happy Birthday, Jellyfish Jam!', 'Learning about foreign cultures is always illuminating.', 'The Notorious B.I.G., pencil, 28x28cm', 'LPT: When you put in a fresh bin bag, sprinkle some cat litter into the bottom of the bag. It will absorb any gross liquids, and your bags will have almost no bad odour.', '13 year old me was a mistake', 'California becomes second US state to commit to clean energy', 'Anon attempts suicide', "Really loving the trend of posting stuff way before it's done. Here's the cupboard where I keep my slow cooker. I'll be getting it out tomorrow. Will update later with the finished dish. Can't Wait!", 'A true jedi', 'January', 'Simple, versatile, relevant. Get in early for profits.', 'Cleaning seashells with muriatic acid. Sooo satisfying.', 'Arrests made after Facebook video shows young children smoking marijuana - Michaela Pearson and Candice Little are each charged with felony child abuse', 'The package delivery service at this building', "He's so edgy and so curvy at the same time", '[OC] Secret floor plans', 'Avenge me son!', 'PsBattle: This guy in a panda suit caring for a real baby panda.', 'r/________', 'Adopted this tiny weirdo from the shelter! We assume he is a dog.', 'The Dirtiest Job', 'Purposely misquoting someone to make it racist', 'King of close calls.', 'Flatpacking a wind turbine', 'When they ask if I believe I can make it to the front page with a two-word quote', 'Speaking of Chik-Fil-A . . .', 'Found this mad lady on me_irl', 'WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime', 'A vegan said to me, people who sell meat are disgusting', 'Elotes (Mexican street corn) [OC]', 'My friends goat was eaten by coyotes', 'Simon is sad (comic)', "Flyin' Bru", 'SUE THE DENTIST', 'What are the strangest "house rules" you\'ve seen in a person\'s house?', 'There will never be another show like Johnny Bravo', 'Cyka Bot, Defender of the Iron Curtain', 'ULPT: Need friends? Create an attractive fake tinder profile of the opposite sex, start leading on a bunch of people, arrange a date with all of them on the same time, same place. Show up as well. Announce that they must have pulled a prank on all of you and suggest you all go drinking together.', 'Grad 2006', 'What could have been... | by me', 'Real men have hats?', 'Wish it would stop.', 'Buzzfeed Writer starter pack', 'A new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease has been successfully tested in mice. It reduced the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain and blocked the toxic effects of amyloid β.', 'Actually Pewdiepie has two rooms.', "Don't Trust Him", 'Fake Chad gamer i bet he cant even rise up', 'This is a statue located in Berlin, entitled "Politicians Discussing Global Warming."', 'This sub reminds me of a Dilbert comic frame.', 'The Sims Medieval', 'Banana hate', "One person's patriot is another's terrorist", 'Anon shares his evil shenanigans.', 'This.<3', 'meirl', 'A cool “meme” from my chemistry lecture today', 'Amy Santiago is an amazing detective / genius (posted on her instagram story)', 'Star Road Fairladys', 'Friends for life', 'USB Charger Spy Camera', 'Trump exposed by Trump', 'Can we stick to just eating avocados?', 'Aldrin providing comfort to firefighters during the Ventura Fire earlier this year', 'Road Eliminated by Hurricane Lane Flood Erosion', 'Why You Might Consider A Trade Over College (One Real-World Perspective)', "Tears and gasps after ex-officer gets a rare murder verdict for teen's death", 'ITAP of the sunset off the West Coast of Okinawa.', 'Old Luke Skywalker cosplay', 'If you watch closely, you can see the train pop right out.', 'I made eye contact with a girl that is exactly my type and she looked at me with utter disgust. How do I delete myself from this world?', 'SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN', 'Extreme Pushups', 'I’m 26, I just bought my first car that has AC and under 150k miles and I’m pretty fucking proud about it.', 'Jackee Harry responds to Eureka’s tasteless shade', 'This.<3', 'Anon is fat', 'Keep ya heart 3 stacks', "He's so edgy and so curvy at the same time", 'Hero', 'Show the kid some love', 'Cleaning seashells with muriatic acid. Sooo satisfying.', 'Asteroid miners could use Earth’s atmosphere to catch space rocks - some engineers are drawing up a strategy to steer asteroids toward us, so our atmosphere can act as a giant catching mitt for resource-rich space rocks.', '🅱ikini 🅱ottom', 'Looking for a room to rent/a house to own', 'PsBattle: This guy in a panda suit caring for a real baby panda.', 'Let me just dive through this cop car real fast', 'Two online best friends that played gta together everynight met up to have lunch and take a few pictures', 'Real men have hats?', 'Spinning a T Handle in space', 'Trump exposed by Trump', '19 years ago, this masterpiece was released. Happy Birthday, Jellyfish Jam!', 'This man strapped his own daughter to the back of a car', 'The package delivery service at this building', 'Grad 2006', 'The package delivery service at this building', 'While I do some Spider-Man parkour with my friend.', '[OC] Secret floor plans', 'Learning about foreign cultures is always illuminating.', 'Purposely misquoting someone to make it racist', 'Can a dead body still get a sunburn?', 'A vegan said to me, people who sell meat are disgusting', 'Simon is sad (comic)', "Unfortunately, I've come to the determination that Keto is just not right for me right now. I wanted to say goodbye and thank you all for an incredible two months, though!", 'Noticed this weird thing on the side near the light. In london', '[Homemade] Doulbe cheeseburger', 'Drawing circuits with conductive ink', 'Hawk investigating a drone', 'I don’t get this. What’s wrong with fajitas? I’ve never been to a Mexican restaurant...', "I don't feel so good", 'One of my favorite Jim pranks', 'My great Uncles profile pic lol', 'Found this mad lady on me_irl', 'Snoo Contest - Voting', 'Warming up', 'r/________', "Flyin' Bru", 'Small analysis of how McGregor bamboozled Alvarez', '$109k personal bill for heart attack - even when insured', '[request] Is this true or even possible to calculate?', 'Waiting in line at Starbucks and guy in front of me asks friend “you want a muffin?”. Friend replies “no, I’m breaking my intermittent fast in 2 hours.” Proceeds to order “venti caramel macchiato with extra whip and 2 extra servings of caramel.”', 'Cargo Camper Build', 'Sergio Pettis looks pleasantly surprised to see his arm raised against Joseph Benavidez', 'Bro, toss me one!', 'Clint Dempsey announces retirement from professional soccer', 'Im here for my 3 updoots', 'Mother and children during the great depression, California, 1936 [758x758]', 'Why else are you here?', '[Haiku] Playing nightcore with the boys', 'Can a dead body still get a sunburn?', 'How long for an English speaker to become proficient', 'Octolicious Mouth Tentacle!', "The o'le tap & pull", 'It’s been such an honor helping and watching him grow into the big silly boy he was meant to be. (Kingsley’s transformation from February to August 2018.)', 'Luftwafel', "Blue Öyster Cult - (Don't fear) The Reaper [Classic Rock] 1976", "'Smart' pen", 'Found this gem on Instagram', 'Going through my father in law’s basement, tried to throw it out. “No no , I still use it!”', 'My strangest dinner yet', 'For every upvote this post gets I will add 1 brick to the tower of Orthanc. No limits, and no regurgitation', 'Boss locked this cabinet a year ago and took the key', "It's 2018, and for the next couple of weeks, Halo 1-4 and Modern Warfare 2 will be some of the most played games on XBL", 'California is now the first state to recognise intersex rights!', 'Londoner gives a harrowingly insightful breakdown of the homeless in London.', 'Warming up', 'Muriatic Acid vs dirty seashell', 'Finally got my first tattoo and it’s my cat Viola! From Kristina Gray at Mainline Ink in Webster, TX', 'kumicute', 'these used to be the shit in 2009', 'Rainy Tokyo', "Why is Lindsey Graham rolling over for Trump now? I'm sure it has nothing to do with his December 2016 announcement that Russians hacked his campaign email account.", 'Extreme Dodgeball [Maid Dragon]', 'Stoped then in their tracks', 'Monika is evil.', "I dislike him as much as the next guy, but calling Trump names is childish and makes me assume you're immature and does not help your side of the discussion.", 'New NAFTA could include tough intellectual property laws that Canada fought against in TPP', 'Heckin cute snek', 'We wrote a haiku for you...', 'The cutest loaf', 'At work I smoked half a joint at lunch.', 'I made eye contact with a girl that is exactly my type and she looked at me with utter disgust. How do I delete myself from this world?', 'Golf Wisdom #2', 'Auteurs', 'Every opinion meme', 'What even is this? A chunk seal?', 'Smoobygorl', 'I Think I Found My Calling', 'Smash Ultimate switch console bundle leaked', 'Yolandi Visser before the fame (or notoriety)', "I can't tell you what it is, but I saw something in a coffee stain at work and had to doodle it out", 'Friend told me I should post this here. ~312 mission stickers', 'Ken Stanley, a season ticket holder for 89 years passed away at the age of 97 yesterday. Ken’s first game was in 1929 where spurs beat Bradford Park 3-2 at White Hart Lane. Here he is receiving Dele’s boots on the final ever game at the Lane. RIP', "My Brother and I are translating Grandpa's journal from the Great Depression. It's pretty fucked up-2nd Entry", 'This man is too mad', 'Hedgehog yawn', 'OFFICIAL: Season 4 of Mr Robot will be its last', 'Siamese kitten blep', 'It’s getting cold, so I tucked the kitty from yesterday back in.', 'LPT: Make the lives of Hotel Management and Cleaning people even harder.', '🍩', 'What’s going on between Buzzfeed reddit and stefen Karl?', 'Magical weekend in Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness, Colorado', 'Nick calling out Leo', 'This is what happens when you touch a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator', 'So here is my prowler.. 4” lift, wide over-fenders, racks for every damn thing you can think of, a full hitch, there’s a full size bed in the back, and ridiculously low offset wheels. Oh ya it’s a mini cooper', 'Old and Forgotten memes starter pack.', 'Start ‘em young.', 'I mean...', 'EU survey: Over 80 percent want to get rid of time change', '[Garafolo] RT @89JonesNTAF: BREAKING 🚨 The #Packers and 2-Time MVP QB @AaronRodgers12 have agreed to terms on a 4-year extension worth $33.5 million i…', 'Tin of mints I found in a shop in England.', 'I found someone hiding in a history textbook!', 'I don’t have a heartwarming story behind this picture. I was just inspired by how this bro has decided to use his time in his latter years of life.', '"Because i am el Diablo"', 'Walt through the years', 'Look what I sketched up today', 'I love how expressive he is', 'This is so sad 😢😢😢', 'Vivid going to Liquid confirmed. Strafe benched.', 'We just received our first 3RS at work - Lizard Green with a matching interior', 'What a plot twist...', 'Tom\'s Hardware is censoring and banning editors and users who have talked negatively about the "Just Buy It" article.', "Sam Ram's Suit-edit", 'When you ask grandpa for advice on getting that special girl.........', 'BOO', 'absolutelynotme_irl', 'Hmmmmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔', 'Rise to the fame', 'Changed my student loan payment amount by an almost insignificant amount, loan term shortened significantly', 'Today is the 30th anniversary of The Onion', 'Waylon the shop dog got a new chair.', '12 Years a Student', 'Almost there! . . .', 'absolutely not me irl', 'Unacceptable.', 'Blessed_youtube', "I'm sorry", 'Three years on... #NeverForget', 'Laughing at me because I had to physically carry all 70 pounds of her fluff into the vet exam room after she refused to walk there', 'The potential is strong in this', 'valaffisch_2018.jpg', 'Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.', '[Image] Always do your best', 'really really big youtuber - Gus Johnson', 'gay_irl', 'Academy Award nominee Gene Tierney, 1940', 'Just got a job as brand ambassador thanks to this subreddit', 'Snoo Contest - Voting', 'Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps in between slices of Kingsmill White.', 'The Sims Medieval', 'My brothers hand after a bike injury', 'My basement people need me.', '40 miles of Mario!', 'Manè: “The wrong team wanted me- Manchester United! I spoke with Van Gaal, and they even made an offer. But for me it was not the right club.”', 'Sabrina Lynn', 'A company had a position open that required a great deal of sensitivity dealing with people...', '“Have miniatures, will travel.”', 'Antalope - Safari', 'First attempt at Charcuterie board', 'VIRGIN Addict Steve-O Vs. CHAD Sober Steve-O', "Sean's Bar (as it's now known) in Athlone, Ireland, is supposedly the oldest bar/pub in Europe, if not the world, dating to ~900 A.D. What would have been on tap back then?", 'Spacebirb', 'This man strapped his own daughter to the back of a car [xpost r/iamatotalpieceofshit]', '[ART] 📍NYC Tailoring-Inspired Street Look.', 'Rainy Tokyo', 'Hide and Seek', 'Fresh vs 3 and a half weeks later. By Rob Sloan at Thirteen Feet Tattoo in Newtown, NSW', 'When Spidey first hears Quills voice without his helmet he realises he’s human and his eyes show less concern than before the mask is removed. After Quill said he’s from Missouri Spidey removes his mask completely', 'You asked and you shall receive. Made from top suggested', 'Walt through the years', 'Internet notice-and-takedown in the new NAFTA agreement', 'Bart nailed it', 'My boyfriend dumped me a month ago, these are my results', 'What even is this? A chunk seal?', 'The cutest loaf', 'Skull Kid colored pencil on paper', 'kumicute', "People can't stay loyal these days", 'Paying 5$ per hour is literally rape', 'I mean...', 'My attempt at colourising (New Zealand woman circa 1930s)', 'cRuEl mAn cRuShEd hEaD oF a sLeEpiNg dOg uSiNg a gIaNt hAmMeR', 'These reviews.', 'Auteurs', 'attanic', '“Screaming is a criminal offense?” Well, when you yell at your wife and daughter so much that your family leaves the car and you jump in the driver’s seat to abandon them and then immediately wreck your car, it is.', 'Laughing at me because I had to physically carry all 70 pounds of her fluff into the vet exam room after she refused to walk there', 'We just received our first 3RS at work - Lizard Green with a matching interior', 'Adorable idiot', 'PSA on Sexually Explicit Materials and the partners you send them to', 'Any other older players of pocket camp here? 34 year old guy here with depression/anxiety and this game has helped me a ton', '.', 'Technically the truth', 'Do you think some weapon variants will change a gun into a classic weapon?', 'Raptor Squad | Blender 3D/Substance Painter', 'Does chocolate chip banana bread count?', 'Some guy on Whisper', 'Batman : Return to Arkham is officially X-Box One X Enhanced!', "My dogs posing like they're in a band. I'd love to see your artwork!", 'Rooftop Scenery', 'Catawba Falls, Black Mountain NC', 'Q claims that US military aircraft are dropping out of the sky because Hillary and r/greatawakening does the only natural recourse: calls to kill Hillary and other acts of violence', 'Pipe tapping finals', 'Taylor meets Becky', 'PIC', 'New Ted Cruz Campaign Ad Features His Kids Begging For Beto O’Rourke To Be Their New Dad', 'Stay classy, San Diego!', 'I bought a salt gun just to impale other insects so that I can grab them and toss my bro a snack.', 'Keiko Kirin, spunky mech-building best friend (from the Dark & Day novel series)', '*NOT A BIG PROBLEM*', 'My first Gundam! I’m hooked lol', 'DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up" by electing Gillum', 'modern journalism', 'Woah', 'FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server', 'TIFU by microwaving a chef boyardee on an active military base', 'What is it that we are living in the “golden age” of?', 'I miss the days that political opponents respected each other', 'TIL in 2015, Queen Elizabeth II decided to not breed anymore corgis so that she would not leave any behind when she died. Her last corgi died in April 2018', 'Did I ask you to stop, SLAVE!?', 'Ride a bicycle on a highway, WCGW', 'Cat takes a dip', 'Everything about this. No right click, A scroll wheel that is impossible to use, and terrible ergonomic design just to match their computers', 'The face of instant regret', 'Schindler’s List 25th anniversary re-release Poster', 'What are the strangest "house rules" you\'ve seen in a person\'s house?', 'TIL when Will Smith was 12, his grandma found his profanity-laced notebook and wrote, "Dear Will, truly intelligent people don\'t have to use words like this to express themselves. Please show the world that you\'re as smart as we think you are," on the back -- inspiring him to be a "clean" rapper.', 'ULPT: Need friends? Create an attractive fake tinder profile of the opposite sex, start leading on a bunch of people, arrange a date with all of them on the same time, same place. Show up as well. Announce that they must have pulled a prank on all of you and suggest you all go drinking together.', 'WV State Police seize $10K from couple without charging them with a crime', 'LPT: When you put in a fresh bin bag, sprinkle some cat litter into the bottom of the bag. It will absorb any gross liquids, and your bags will have almost no bad odour.', '"It\'s now or never" (Beat my personal kill record!)', 'King of close calls.', 'To name this town', 'Arrests made after Facebook video shows young children smoking marijuana - Michaela Pearson and Candice Little are each charged with felony child abuse', 'Cleaning up tinder', "Tears and gasps after ex-officer gets a rare murder verdict for teen's death", 'The Dirtiest Job', 'Bear chooses the stuffie he wants', 'Snoo Contest - Voting', 'Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps in between slices of Kingsmill White.', 'The Sims Medieval', 'My brothers hand after a bike injury', 'My basement people need me.', '40 miles of Mario!', 'Manè: “The wrong team wanted me- Manchester United! I spoke with Van Gaal, and they even made an offer. But for me it was not the right club.”', 'Sabrina Lynn', 'A company had a position open that required a great deal of sensitivity dealing with people...', '“Have miniatures, will travel.”', 'Antalope - Safari', 'First attempt at Charcuterie board', 'VIRGIN Addict Steve-O Vs. CHAD Sober Steve-O', "Sean's Bar (as it's now known) in Athlone, Ireland, is supposedly the oldest bar/pub in Europe, if not the world, dating to ~900 A.D. What would have been on tap back then?", 'Spacebirb', 'This man strapped his own daughter to the back of a car [xpost r/iamatotalpieceofshit]', '[ART] 📍NYC Tailoring-Inspired Street Look.', 'Neon lights looks beautiful under heavy rain', 'Any one else agree with Pepper?', 'BuT tHe SmElL', "I'm sorry", 'Stephen Colbert Connects Chance the Rapper with "Lord of the Rings"', 'Big Telecom Resorts To Lying To Senior Citizens To Scuttle Net Neutrality In California', '[FO] My first time cross stitching. I think I’m addicted now!', 'Edgelord knows how to attract the atheist ladies.', 'Me waiting for crouching to be added to STW', 'Neon lights looks beautiful under heavy rain', 'BuT tHe SmElL', 'Any one else agree with Pepper?', 'Stephen Colbert Connects Chance the Rapper with "Lord of the Rings"', 'Big Telecom Resorts To Lying To Senior Citizens To Scuttle Net Neutrality In California', '[FO] My first time cross stitching. I think I’m addicted now!', 'Edgelord knows how to attract the atheist ladies.', 'Alec Baldwin drops out of ‘Joker’', 'I drew a dragon!', 'Machu Picchu when the sun rises', 'Q 1990 - Shall We Play A Game?', 'ok what', 'HMC while I try to usurp the throne', 'I hate story toppers', 'When Ryuji is hit with Mudoon for the 3rd consecutive time.', 'HELLO! I am Michael Mando, Nacho from Better Call Saul. AMA!', 'Please take away my healthcare!', 'Journey To The Edge Of The Universe (2008) the first accurate non-stop voyage from Earth to the edge of the Universe using a single, unbroken shot through the use of spectacular CGI technology [1:33:20]', 'When This Boy With A Colostomy Bag Said He Was Sad There Were No Superheroes Like Him, Marvel Told Him It’s Absolutely Crucial For Superheroes To Have A Functioning Anus', "Comforting to see in my Doctor's office", 'relatable', 'Corgis in a cup holder!!!', 'Tesla employees say "it’s a s**t show" working under beleaguered Elon Musk', 'Custard Cream says hello!', 'She knows a baby is coming home soon', 'I *might* need them one day...', 'Greeks long lost dad', 'Un/popular opinion: Kelly was annoying af for the first few seasons and then became hilarious', 'Finally found one!', 'Custard Cream says hello!', 'Amber Gianna', 'Passing the interview', 'If WWW stood for well well well, the internet would seem so much shadier. "Well, well, well... Google dot com..."', 'Well I did not expect that.', 'One in five vulnerable Syrian refugees are rejected by Netherlands because of extremist sympathies or are too conservative', 'Made this from stones we collected on the beach for our 9 year wedding anniversary', 'Some people see Jesus in their toast, I see Dobby in my ice-cream.', 'Ik_ihe', "That's how you do a crossover", 'It seems that Bethesda themselves forgot Shadowkey existed', 'Black Beauty.', 'Felt like my bedroom needed a redesign after my girlfriend moved out. Chicago, IL.', 'Pls just jump out of the car', 'The face of betrayal', 'Veterans, Trump voters condemn White House', 'B E S T B O Y E S waiting for their hecking owner', 'My baby is going to die from a chromosome abnormality, and my doctors are making me carry her.', '"Books on the Run" trailer filled with free books for kids makes 20-minute stops in the community every two weeks; kids can take what they want', 'Differences', 'Trump’s Coal Plan Will Kill People, but at Least It’ll Create Jobs, Right? Wrong. - The idea was supposed to be that, well, people may die, but it’ll revive the industry. But it won’t. Our source on that? Trump’s own EPA.', "After a thorough inventory of what was in the house (how did we acquire that many pencil crayons!) and the fact that all 3 kids' backpacks are in great shape, the stars aligned with only a few items on this year's school supply list, resulting our first-ever under-$60 back-to-school shopping trip!", 'HMJB while I jump off the roof.', "King K Rool's trailer got me super hyped, so I made this cover of Gangplank Galleon on beer bottles, pots/pans, and strings!", 'Sunken table', 'how to troll a dog', 'Update your records', 'Ouch....', 'Oh boy, yeah', 'HA HA HA', 'A nice guy study?', 'A heavy downpour makes beautiful photos', 'Die Totenhosen, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, Kraftklub, K.I.Z., Marteria, Casper, Nura und Trettmann spielen am 3.9 kostenlos am Karl-Marx-Monument in Chemnitz', 'I took this photo on the road in Iceland. What do you think of it? [edit] [composition] [colour]', 'I made a strawberry rhubarb pie', 'This is English I swear', 'WCGW if I let go of my suitcase on a moving escalator', 'Getting pulled over', 'I had a disturbing idea for an episode...', 'Reddit these days.', '*BASS-BOOSTED SHITTING SOUND EFFECT*', 'Looking down 42nd Street in Manhattan [1280 × 853]', 'Across the Drill Field at Virginia Tech', 'Princess Pollywog demonstrates slimming photo angles', 'S K Y L I G H T', "Let's play!", "MRW me and my friend go to Chuck E Cheese's and my friend decides to play that mole game but he doesn't know what to do with the hammer so I have to explain to him how to hit the moles with the hammer", "Blocking the DJ's equipment", 'give treat pls frendo', 'Fox collar. I love whipping up day projects!', 'Good advice it be!', 'Roy Nelson vs. Stefan Struve (2010)', 'You can be my wingman any time', 'What happens when you break eye contact with a Tiger', 'I pretend not to notice when someone does something embarrassing', 'Birthday present from my wife: a genuine X-Ray record', 'Other than doing the homework while the teacher is collecting it, what’s an “extreme sport”?', 'Diving at the bottom of lake Mead', 'After 32 years of never having a relationship I had resigned myself to it. Then this wonderful man entered my life.', '“Are you sure you want to leave the Arena?”', 'This is how it’s done.', '"When did you know that you\'re bi?"', 'Saw this sign in Milano today.', 'are ameer memes dead?', 'What the fuck', 'Bentley has already perfected the sploot', '"To understand it all, we have to go all the way back to the Horus Heresy"', 'Poor mountain', "But I'm a full-time streamer", 'But...the onions..?', 'To those with SOs that work long hours and come home tired regularly: what can they do to reassure you they love you?', "OMG! German Fuckin' Nazis! I'm literally dead right now.", 'BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP', '[PSA] [Discussion] [Story] My dog lost half her tongue due to injury sustained from a ball.', "Army 'Undercover Boss' filming delayed after Major suffers hazing-induced heart attack", 'Transformers, Lemons in disguise', 'Hot summer day', "Nevil's Plight", 'Veterans, Trump voters condemn White House', 'A guide to the blank space on the map of Seattle', '[WP] For eons you have lived. The only thing you have yet to experience in life is death, and that doesnt strike your fancy. You only have a few problems.. 1. you have found yourself cornered, 2. the snail has you in his sights, and 3. he hasnt forgotten the pinch of salt you left him.', 'Spongerie', 'Anon works in the Trauma Bay', 'The Smothered City', 'The Gipsy Girl mosaic in Zeugma Mosaic Museum/Gaziantep/Turkey', 'How to Draw a Soccer Ball', 'Yeah he doesn’t die but you get the joke', 'Pug life.', 'Put Old Bay on it.', 'Welcome to Kaustralia!', 'You fool never mess with .', 'The grad cake is a mistake', 'We put our heads together and we STILL couldn’t think of anything yummier than millet', 'I love how much Mark interacts with fans on Twitter.', 'Be my landing mat, k?', "Found this albino redwood on my run today, didn't know these existed", 'la clase media hoy', "Carl Sagan - How we (except for a bunch of idiots) know the earth isn't flat.", 'Android Messages for Web gets its own Material UI overhaul too, with dark theme in tow', 'Green day - When I come around [Alternative rock] (1994)', 'Denver Bedroom', 'You can almost hear the crowd gasp', "I don't mind pads", 'HMFT after i ride my bike ok the highway', 'In The Office S3E12 "Traveling Salesman" When telling Pam what Dwight did for her, Angela uses both hers and Dwight\'s middle names as aliases.', 'ULPT : if you are eating pizza with others, always pick a slice first - if it turns out to be smaller than you expected, pass it on to the person next to you with a smile. You get to pick again AND come across as a nice person.', 'You can slide under some tight spaces in AC Origins', 'The big truth', 'Hubble’s Galaxy Cluster Cornucopia [2960 x 2230]', 'Dinosaur Size Change Official Image', '[Super mega baseball 2] OOF', 'The ‘Stros', 'La piramide nutricional segun los Mexicanos', 'The state of SO', 'OC', 'One of my favorite Jim pranks', "haven't posted one in a while", 'My first pike (105cm) from the canals in Amsterdam', 'I knew it was coming and I still laughed', 'This graffiti in Gastown always makes me smile', 'Sunrise views from camp in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, WA', ...]
#text = ["The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."]
# create the transform
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
# tokenize and build vocab
# # summarize
# # encode document
vector = vectorizer.transform(text)
# # summarize encoded vector
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4127, 'asserting': 435, 'dominance': 1379, 'goodboys': 1991, 'invested': 2392, 'gbp': 1923, 'healthy': 2138, 'luck': 2732, 'chads': 857, 'inherited': 2338, 'grandads': 2018, '1969': 53, 'omega': 3149, 'chronostop': 922, 'loved': 2719, 'framework': 1839, 'references': 3658, 'underlit': 4683, 'bonfire': 654, 'lg': 2633, 'g6': 1893, '4160x3120': 123, '13th': 26, 'layne': 2591, 'favourite': 1685, 'senator': 3941, 'inclusiveor': 2319, 'kiwis': 2536, 'short': 4010, 'cruise': 1148, 'efron': 1482, 'checkmate': 881, 'incels': 2315, 'vietnamese': 4777, 'propaganda': 3515, '1970s': 54, 'unsure': 4707, 'protocol': 3525, 'rig': 3759, 'paint': 3231, 'import': 2306, 'unity': 4695, 'beginner': 567, 'discounted': 1334, 'prices': 3476, 'permanent': 3307, 'tora': 4557, 'pyra': 3563, 'swimsuit': 4369, 'texorcisination': 4454, 'brought': 719, 'finishing': 1752, 'university': 4697, 'ille': 2289, 'est': 1570, 'optisiime': 3177, 'printer': 3483, 'mlm': 2943, 'swaziland': 4363, 'wives': 4944, 'infantino': 2331, 'supportive': 4346, 'liga': 2650, 'usa': 4726, 'robin': 3778, 'f2p': 1641, 'skill': 4063, 'inheritance': 2337, 'dolphin': 1377, 'test': 4449, 'gadget': 1896, 'daycare': 1220, 'warning': 4835, 'dangerous': 1204, 'cuteness': 1181, 'portland': 3422, 'spending': 4178, 'crosspost': 1141, 'oregon_politics': 3182, 'pearly': 3288, 'whites': 4908, '500': 133, 'mil': 2898, 'edition': 1472, 'endless': 1526, 'firewatch': 1755, 'playable': 3372, 'lebron': 2608, 'happily': 2093, 'fluffy': 1792, 'lamest': 2566, 'wrapping': 4979, 'proposal': 3520, 'executive': 1609, 'weirdness': 4879, 'jumper': 2487, 'greatest': 2030, 'lahey': 2561, 'propane': 3516} (3000, 5037) <class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'> [[0 0 0 ... 0 0 0] [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0] [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0] ... [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0] [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0] [0 0 0 ... 0 0 0]]
vector = vector.toarray()
array([[0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], ..., [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]])
Use cross-validation in scikit-learn to evaluate the model above.¶
- Evaluate the accuracy of the model, as well as any other metrics you feel are appropriate.
y = df["is_outlier_bin"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(vector, y)
et_vectors = ExtraTreesClassifier(bootstrap = True)
et_vectors.fit(X_train, y_train)
et_vectors.score(X_test, y_test)
Repeat the model-building process with a non-tree-based method.¶
log = LogisticRegression()
log.fit(X_train, y_train)
log.score(X_test, y_test)
Use Count Vectorizer from scikit-learn to create features from the thread titles.¶
- Examine using count or binary features in the model
- Re-evaluate your models using these. Does this improve the model performance?
- What text features are the most valuable?
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